Week 15 learning path

Me again…

So in an effort to try to get ahead prior to falling behind again, I jumped ahead to week 15 and had a read of the study books.

WARNING: Week 15 is yet to be tweaked. Reading ahead may cause unnecessary work due to revisiting this week once tweaked.

Albeit, I found some extremely useful advice in regards to assignment 3 and tips on how to effectively reflect on our prac experiences.


I am so used to reflecting and writing in a specific way and have never really challenged this. This study book challenged the way in which I approach reflection. It is not just about, these are the theories and how they operate and this is what I did. It is about connecting A to C and how our practice while on placement has been shaped as a result of what we have learnt over the course. How have the theories, literature and frameworks impacted upon our planning and pedagogy? Given what, how well did it work? And why? Also I have learnt that our reflections don’t have to apply to an entire lesson. e.g. the lesson may have been successful overall however some activities or tasks in those lessons, even those that take up minimal time, may need tweaking.

I understand that I may run the risk of having to revisit week 15 once altered however I feel a lot better in myself in that I can begin to conduct meaningful reflections that are more comprehensive than the simple A+B=C.

Chat soon,


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