Panic / anxiety

Reading a fellow bloggers post about her anxieties surrounding prac really resonated with me. Fellow blogger, Tess Wise has posted,

“I really have the skills and capacity to do well in a prac situation but the panic attacks continue. The worst part is that the ritual will continue for the next 14 days.”

Found at:

I found this post valuable as I have been suffering from anxiety over the past week  in regards to standing in front of a class of 25 blank faces. I have been feeling intimidated by observing my mentor teacher who is a knowledge bank and well, amazing.

Thank you Tess for your post. It reminded me that I do have the skills to do well whilst on prac. I am familiar with pedagogical frameworks such as Bloom’s Taxonomy, the Guided Instructional Model and Backwards Design to name but a few. I know how to seek the knowledge required to teach a lesson and am proficient in communicating with others… all I have to do is to put it all into practice.

For me, prac isn’t about being the expert, super star teacher. It is about demonstrating, refining and reflecting on what we can do. It involves the observation of others who have countless years of experience. It is also about establishing what kind of teacher we want to be by observing others and their practice, identifying what we need to do to reach that level and working towards reaching those goals. Nobody is perfect, I don’t think there is an expectation that we should be. After all…this is a learning experience and I have been approaching it as one in an effort to gain as much feedback, advice and access to resources as possible.

Chat soon.


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