Argh… where was this years ago when I first began my studies???

Has any one else had that overwhelming feeling of…”this is going to make my life so much easier!!” For me personally…this has been a reoccurring thought throughout this semester!

I am sure if we searched there would be an ICT to assist us in just about everything we do!

This morning for example, I had my groceries delivered after ordering online as I don’t have time to head to the shops!

In week 15 David has posted an Excel Spreadsheet which calculates our grades.

How useful is this? I know we can work this out using basic mathematics however this resource removes the guess work.

Other ICTs I have learnt about this semester and love are:

  • WordPress
  • Diigo (for sure!!)
  • The new Study Desk set up (I love the use of check boxes in this course!)
  • Skootle (Had never heard of Skootle before)
  • Cite This For Me (Learnt about whilst on prac)

Although there are many more, these 5 ICTs have had the most impact on my learning this semester and I will value them always.

What ICTs could you not live without in regards to your studies?

Chat soon.


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